A Guide or Publication is a multi-page document that is printed and distributed or made available to customers and prospects in an attempt to inform them of a brand and to influence their perception of the brand in a positive way. As a result of the page count, printing and distribution these documents can be rather costly to produce, so it is critical to continually seek ways to reduce cost and to be sure the Guide or Publication is successful at achieving its primary objective with the target audience.

Guides and Publications come in all forms, sizes and page counts but some of the most common ones we work with at ATL Media Company:  include Visitors Guides, Community Guides, Magazines, and Moneysaver Publications. No matter what type of publication you have, we will focus on understanding the message and the audience so we can improve the effectiveness of the publication. There is always room for new ideas and innovation.

Producing a Guide or Publication of any size is a rather complex undertaking. There are many pieces to coordinate even with a small publication. First of all it has to look good and be attractive to its audience. Copy has to be accurate, well written and produced without inconsistencies. Colors and images need to look great and pop. If advertising is involved that introduces further complexities to manage. Finally, distribution, mailing, storage and delivery should all be defined in advance so that when the piece is finally printed, we ensure that it is properly managed over the course of its life cycle. ATL Media Company:  we cover the entire process from cover to cover, and guarantee that print quoting, copywriting, design, ad placement, editing, proofing, prepress, printing, distribution and warehousing all come together successfully.

And we do not stop there either. Although printed publications continue to have value in the market place, one cannot dismiss the value of digital versions. At Around Town Publishing we make it easy to offer an interactive version of your Guide or Publication that can be accessed by computer, phone or tablet.




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